You need help or have a question?
We have a sophisticated Q&A system with over 20 categories to choose from.
After posting your question, our experts will be with you shortly and provide help.
Need Java help? We got plenty!
Lots of friendly volunteers to help you learn Java or chat about everyday things.
We have a sophisticated Q&A system with over 20 categories to choose from.
After posting your question, our experts will be with you shortly and provide help.
Our community consists of a lot of people who work with Java in their day-to-day business.
Have a chat with them, we can provide you with all the advice you need for your own professional career as a programmer.
Collaborate on our community bot and gain practice experience on a real project.
The project is big, sophisticated, and most importantly beginner-friendly with lots of guides.
Our community is always seeking out for exciting opportunities to partner up with amazing people and organizations. Through partnerships, we enrich the experience for our users by providing licenses for much-needed products, hosting entertaining events and giving informative talks.
We will frequently give away licenses to their products,
such as IntelliJ
Ultimate on
For example as prize for winning a coding contest, or just to thank you for your contribution to the community.
Hosting free Java conferences with expert speakers and many exciting talks.
All profits go to Ukrainian charity funds 💙💛.
Each year in December, we host AoC within our community with private leaderboards.
Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like.
Hands down the best complete and free resource to learn Java.
The University of Helsinki created this course, and they use it to teach their students programming. It comes with 14 weekly parts and exercises.
The most reliable way to reach us is by sending us an Email
Alternatively, just DM any of our mods on the discord server!
Reach out to our members at:
Or directly to the people maintaining it: